Renee Danganan, Evangelism Director & Lead Pastor’s wife at New Hope Community Church in Hawaii Kai, and mom to three boys.
BIBLE VERSE: “...being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Phil. 1:6
Let’s face it, this isn’t a normal season. This isn’t normal homeschooling. This isn’t how we planned to be spending our spring months. We are all a little stir crazy. Although we are all in the same storm we are not in the same boat. But God - is in control and, if you’ll allow Him to, He’s producing something and working lessons in your life that could be learned no other way. God is faithful. I am confident that he can use this global pandemic to do a transformative work inside of you. It is HIS work. Our job is to trust Him with our lives, and our families. Homeschooling is not for the faint of heart. It will test your faith and reveal character flaws you did not think you had. And yet, through it, God refines us to look more like His Son.
As moms, we feel the pressure of this season on another level. But can I remind you that your children are always learning? They are resilient and have grace for you. Keep this season simple – Do you realize that by making cookies, your child is learning the skill of reading and following directions along with math and science. Even “mistake” cookies can teach a lesson and make for fun memories.
There is a lot of advice out there regarding homeschooling. My advice: stay away from the discouraging stuff. Ease your way into a routine that works for your family. Take time to do devotions and pray with your children. Do “home economics”, this will prepare them for life. Read together. Play educational games. Memorize scripture or poems. All of this is learning.
Homeschooling may be a temporary season for you, but may I encourage you to take hold of an eternal perspective while teaching your children.
What is your heart’s cry for your children?
Of course, I want my children to have academic success and a work ethic unmatched by their coworkers. But more than that, I want my children to still love Jesus with all of their heart, mind and soul when they are adults.
God is doing a precious work in you and your family. He is doing the transformative work – not you. God’s got this. Christ’s burden is light and His yoke is easy. We can have rest in our redemptive Savior today.

Jesus, we are grateful for every season of life you’ve given us, even the difficult ones like this one. From the “mistake” cookies to the moments of stir craziness, we acknowledge You’re using these things to make us more like you. Right now, I pray for the mom reading this who is feeling overwhelmed with the task of teaching her children. Would You give her a double dose of Your grace today. Remind her that she’s gonna get through this and give her insight on how to help her kids become more like You, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Kudos for a great lesson learned. I never home-schooled but I have GREAT RESPECT for Mother’s who do. Our daughter, under scrutiny of a mother-in-law, who was an educator and was criticized even so by others, continued doing what she felt called to do. Her three children never spent a day in public school. Her oldest graduated Cum Laude and is now working towards his Master’s while teaching at the SE University in OK. He’s passionate for the Lord as well. Her second child is following same steps as far as being an A+ student on her way towards a Bachelor’s degree. Third child is amazingly gifted and is looking forward to attending as soon as she’s old enough. T…